



In a dramatic turn of events, a significant number of Nigerians are demanding the removal of all movies featuring actress Toyin Abraham from the Netflix platform. This controversy arises after Abraham’s public support for President Bola Tinubu and her alleged involvement in the arrest of a popular influencer critical of her political stance.

The call to action has rapidly gained traction, with thousands of Nigerians reportedly sending emails to Netflix, urging the streaming giant to dissociate itself from Abraham. The petitioners argue that Toyin Abraham has consistently used her platform to endorse political causes that they claim are detrimental to society. Accusations include her allegedly using her influence to enable police brutality and target everyday citizens, further inflaming public sentiment.

A statement from the group leading the charge reads, “We as Nigerians have had enough of Toyin Abraham and her dull movies, coupled with the fact that she’s a shameless bully who trampled on the rights of the voiceless. We refuse to support such a personality who has constantly and consistently used her platform to impoverish society by promoting terrible political causes and using her influence in the police to brutalize and arrest everyday citizens.”

The collective outrage follows an incident where Abraham reportedly caused the arrest of an influencer who had criticized her support for President Tinubu. This incident appears to have been the catalyst for the widespread call to action against her films on Netflix.

The protesters have made their stance clear: if Netflix does not remove Abraham’s movies, they will initiate a mass boycott of the service. Highlighting the availability of numerous other streaming services, they assert that they will take their viewership elsewhere if their demands are not met. “As consumers we DEMAND the immediate removal of all her works on your platform or we will boycott Netflix in our millions,” the statement continues. “There are plenty of streaming service providers to choose from who appreciate and value human rights.”

Netflix has yet to respond to these demands, and it remains to be seen how this situation will unfold. The incident underscores the increasing power of collective consumer action in the digital age, particularly when intertwined with political and social issues.

This developing story is a reminder of the complex interplay between celebrity influence, political affiliations, and consumer power in today’s connected world. As Netflix navigates this controversy, the broader implications for content platforms and their responsibilities to diverse audiences remain in sharp focus.

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