



A shocking incident has gripped the community as Nigerian-born Olubunmi Abodunde receives a life sentence, with a minimum term of 17 years, for brutally murdering his wife, Taiwo Abodunde. The horrifying crime took place in Newmarket, Suffolk, where Abodunde used their son’s skateboard as a weapon in a jealous rage, ultimately killing his wife.

The couple had relocated to the UK from Nigeria in 2022. Accusations and domestic violence marred their relationship. Abodunde, a trained civil engineer who struggled to find work in his field, took shifts at supermarkets and DIY stores. His jealousy and suspicions towards his wife, Taiwo, culminated in a savage attack that has left the community reeling.

On the morning of November 28, police officers arrived at the Abodunde home to take a statement from Taiwo regarding a previous domestic incident. Despite hearing nearly 50 alarming bangs from inside, they waited 35 minutes for permission from superiors before entering. Inside, they found 41-year-old Taiwo with her skull crushed, confirming her death immediately.

Judge Martyn Levett described the attack as “ferocious, ruthless, cold-blooded, callous, and savage,” condemning Abodunde’s actions. The pathologist could not determine the exact number of blows Taiwo sustained due to the severity of the violence. Abodunde initially claimed self-defense, alleging that Taiwo had attacked him with a knife, but the evidence presented in court contradicted this claim.

The day before the murder, authorities arrested Abodunde for assaulting Taiwo, who had a split lip. Despite being released on bail with conditions to stay away from their home, he violated these terms by returning the next morning, claiming he needed his mobile phone. This led to the fatal encounter.

Prosecutor Simon Spence KC explained that the banging noises heard by the police were likely Abodunde continuing his attack even after Taiwo was unconscious or dead. The severity of the assault damaged the skateboard itself.

In court, Nneka Akudolu KC, defending, described Abodunde’s violence as out of character, possibly influenced by medication, although no medical evidence supported this claim.

Following the trial, three Suffolk Constabulary officers are under investigation for their handling of the situation, with two facing potential gross misconduct charges. Detective Inspector Dan Connick emphasized the devastating impact of the crime on the community and Taiwo’s family, calling it a “lasting impact.”

This tragic case highlights the severe consequences of domestic violence and the critical need for timely and decisive action from law enforcement to prevent such horrifying outcomes.

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